
The required geographic location code needs to be obtained from the dashboard.

Select Country

We can also use a proxy from a specified country to make requests. You just need to select the corresponding country in the dashboard, for example, using a proxy from the United States. Below is an example of the request. Don't forget to replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your proxy credentials. The username needs to include an additional field: USERNAME-zone-unblock-region-US.

curl -x -k -U "USERNAME-zone-unblock-region-US:PASSWORD" -H "X-Abc-Render:html" ""

The country code is a case-insensitive parameter in the 3166-1 alpha-2 format.

Select State

For example, to get a random IP from New York State in the USA, the username needs to include an additional field: USERNAME-zone-unblock-region-US-st-newyork.

curl -x -k -U "USERNAME-zone-unblock-region-US-st-newyork:PASSWORD" -H "X-Abc-Render:html" ""

Select City

You can also specify the IP address to a city. For example, if you want to select New York City, the username needs to include an additional field: USERNAME-zone-unblock-region-US-st-newyork-city-newyorkcity.

curl -x -k -U "USERNAME-zone-unblock-region-US-st-newyork-city-newyorkcity:PASSWORD" -H "X-Abc-Render:html" ""

Last updated